
How to Stay Safe During a Tornado Warning

Tornadoes can hit anywhere and at any time. Here’s what you need to do when you hear a warning.


If you watch the news or popular movies, you’d think that tornadoes hit only trailer parks in Kansas or the Deep South. But that’s just not the case.

In fact, tornadoes can hit anywhere. That’s why it’s good to be prepared. Pay attention to the weather and advisories from the national weather service.

A watch means conditions are optimal for tornadoes in your area.

A tornado warning means a tornado has actually been sighted or spotted on radar.

It’s a good idea to have a battery-operated weather radio, which lets you get information if the power goes out. When you do hear a warning, take action.

If you’re in a house, avoid windows. If there’s a basement, go there.

Most injuries in tornadoes are caused by flying debris, So protect yourself by getting under a heavy table or covering yourself with a mattress or sleeping bag.

If your home doesn’t have a basement, go to the lowest floor and into a small centrally-located room like a bathroom or closet. Crouch as low as possible to the floor, facing down; and cover your head with your hands.

If you live in a mobile home or are in a car, get out. Seek shelter in a sturdy building. If you can’t find one, lie flat, face-down on low ground, protecting the back of your head with your arms.

Stay under cover until warnings have lifted. Remember: if your weather forecaster tells you about a tornado in your area, take it seriously.

They’re not just blowing hot air.

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